OREANDA-NEWS. May 05, 2010. At a ceremony that took place in Nizhnevartovsk winners of the city-wide show and contest of best companies in terms of HSE organisation and regulation of social and working relations, received their awards. 128 organisations took part in the event, including subsidiaries of TNK-BP – the economic bulwark of the city, reported the press-centre of TNK-BP.

In the category “No injuries and accidents” the first-degree diploma was awarded to SNGDU 2 of Samotlor, the second—degree diploma went to OJSC TNK-Nizhnevartovsk and the third—degree diploma – to LLC Nizhnevartovskenergoneft. In the category “Collective bargaining agreement as the foundation of working relations” the first-degree diploma was awarded to OJSC Samotlorneftegaz, the second—degree diploma went to SNGDU-2 and the third—degree diploma — to LLC “Nizhnevartovskoe Neftepererabatyvayuschee Ob’edinenie”.