OREANDA-NEWS. May 20, 2010. The Rambler Internet portal and the Gnostik company have announced their cooperation on developing new search opportunities. As a result of the search, Rambler will have new directory services, converters, and calculators from the WhoYOUgle project.

With the help of convertors and directories from WhoYOUgle, Rambler now has the ability to translate and convert metric, scientific, English, Russian, American, and even the most exotic measurements of mass, length, area, volume, and speed. As well as such physical quantities as temperature, pressure, strength, energy, and power. It’s worth noting separately the ability to convert various currencies and translate dates between Georgian, Julian, Hebrew, and Islamic calendars. Rambler can now answer all these questions directly through search results.

So, a Rambler user can now get easy answers to questions such as ’10 crowns’, or ‘100 USD in grivnas’, ‘7 feet’, or ‘5 grammes in ounces’, ’36.6 degrees Celsius in Kelvin’, or ‘451 degrees in Farenheit’.

This is only the first step in long-term cooperation between the companies. In the future, Rambler searches will be expanded with directories on countries, colors and shades, breeds of dog, and other services from WhoYOUgle.

Anton Nosik, founder of WhoYOUgle:

I’m certain that the information provided to people by our project WhoYOUgle will be just as important for Internet users as the classic search. It’s not fair that a user can get an answer to the question ‘Where are Lermontov’s verses about sails located?’ from the last century, in just a moment, using any popular portal. But in order to find out what is today’s date in the Islamic calendar, or how far it is from Moscow to Astrakhan, or how many Ukrainian grivnas there are to the dollar, you have to learn the addresses of three different services off by heart. WhoYOUgle was created in order to get the answers to all these questions together in one place. But we have no intention of drawing users away from the leading portals – that’s expensive, unrealistic, and totally unnecessary. We don’t believe in competition, but we do believe in cooperation and partnership. WhoYOUgle is glad for the chance to offer our services to the tens of millions of Rambler users. And I, as a former general director and president of Rambler Internet Holding, find it particularly pleasant that it was this company which became our first strategic partner.

Konstantin Vorontsov, director of corporate communications, Rambler Media:

The Internet is changing according to the changing habits and demands of its users. It has become a habitat, and environment: virtual life is intimately and tightly connected to real life. Users’ preferences have changed – traditional searches are no longer enough. We want to get not just a list of relevant links, but answers to specific questions, which make life easier and help us save time for really entertaining activities.

The cooperation between Rambler and WhoYOUgle will allow our users to save both time and numbers of clicks when searching for various types of information. Thanks to WhoYougle’s directories, we are planning to enrich Rambler search results further in the future.

Universal directory WhoYOUgle

The WhoYOUgle directory service was launched on 1 April 2009 by a team of Internet professionals with 15 years of experience on the Russian Internet, who had been involved in founding and developing most of the leading Russian portals and media projects. WhoYOUgle’s mission is to make accessible for Russian-speaking users around the world unsearchable information, the sources of which have until recently been scattered around the ‘net. At present, WhoYOUgle unites on its platform more than 160 different directory services, and by the end of the year is planning to launch as many again. Just half a year after its launch, WhoYOUgle won the Runet Prize for 2009. The project was founded by the Russian company LLC Gnostik.