OREANDA-NEWS. June 15, 2010. The 15th Northwestern Banking Conference will be held in Saint Petersburg on July 7-10. The conference is organized by PSB, CBR Main Directorate for Saint Petersburg, Association of Russian Banks, Association of Northwestern Banks, and Saint Petersburg Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, reported the press-centre of PSB.

The 15th Northwestern Banking Conference key discussion items include: Banks Amid Volitile Economy, Efficient Management of Bank Business Processes, Banks and Real Sector of Economy - "Reset" of Relations, Current Challenges in Interbank and Financial Markets, and Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Bank Operations.

The speaker list includes:

Dmitry Ananyev, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for Financial Markets and Money Supply,

Sergei Kryukov, Chairman of the Management Board, Russian Bank for Development,

Alexander Levkovskiy, PSB President,

Pavel Medvedev, Member of the State Duma,

Alexei Savatygin, Deputy Finance Minister,

Alexei Simanovsky, Member of the Board of Directors, Director of Department for Banking Regulation and Supervision, Central Bank of Russia

Mikhail Sukhov, Member of the Board of Directors, Director of Department for Licensing and Financial Recovery of Credit Institutions, Central Bank of Russia,

Garegin Tosunyan, President of the Association of Russian Banks,

Alexander Turbanov, Director General of the Deposit Insurance Agency

A series of round table discussions with participation of Russian and international banks will be held as part of the Conference, including: SME Lending Today, Factoring - Financial Instrument for Rapid Development of Russian Corporates, Russian Debt Markets: Investments and Risk Management.

In addition, a business seminar on financing of corporate energy efficiency projects will be organized as part of the Conference.

For 15 years, the Northwestern Banking Conference has been providing a popular platform for discussions of issues, which are most relevant to the banking system. More than four hundred representatives from thirty FSU and foreign countries, as well as twenty Russian regions have been traditionally attending the Conference. Official website of the Northwestern Banking Conference: www.nwbc.ru