OREANDA-NEWS. June 15, 2010. Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov held a working meeting with Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Ukraine Markus Wuketich. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Austrian company "VAMED Engineering" which has a contract with Ukraine on providing equipment to the rural health facilities.

Mykola Azarov stressed on the importance of bilateral relations and increasing of mutual turnover. He also noted that Ukraine and Austria have good potential and prospects for developing bilateral cooperation. Mykola Azarov has assured that Ukraine intends to comply with all the state commitments made by the previous governments, which do not contradict the Ukrainian legislation.

The Prime Minister informed the Austrian side that today in Ukraine there is a very urgent issue of radical reforming of the medical industry. According to him, all attempts to modernize the health sector have been haphazard, mosaic and have not given effect. The current Government of Ukraine is set to reform the industry consistently and for this aim is ready to use analytical, consultative, managerial services of the best European experts.

"Ukraine has the problem of radical renewal of medicine. So far all our efforts have been episodic. For example, a project with the Austrian side: haphazard, unprepared decision has led us to the condition when the problem of rural medicine is still open", said the Prime Minister. "It is crucially for us to plan projects competently and act on the principle: "slowly, but surely", and systematically solve problems according to our capabilities and priorities", the Head of the Government stressed.