OREANDA-NEWS. July 12, 2010. Annual general shareholders’ meeting took place and became one of the most important events of last month. The general shareholders’ meeting approved the annual report, annual accounting statement, the company’s profit and loss statement 2009 and profit and loss distribution based on financial year 2009 results. The meeting approved the decision to pass the payment of dividends on ordinary shares for 2009. These resources are going to be directed to the new areas of company development. As to other events that took place in June, the largest grain processing company in Siberia and the Far East PAVA received regulatory documents for production of bread, “pryanik” cakes and biscuits made with protein and vitamin rich flour “Zhitnitsa”. All “Zhitnitsa” products are registered under “Zdravushka” trademark. According to the company, receiving such documents allows further incorporation of protein and vitamin rich flour into bread baking and confectionary production. In June PAVA has also been awarded “Russian Quality” program diploma and the right to use “Russian Quality” mark. Awards were given to PAVA’s own product – wheat flour “Zhitnitsa” with rich protein and vitamin content. The quality evaluation of new grade of flour was carried out by Russian Organization for Quality experts under special program for evaluation of quality of “Zhitnitsa” flour as an applicant for diploma and quality mark. “Russian quality” mark award implies subsequent inspection control. “Despite the fact that June is conventionally considered the month of decline in flour milling business, we are satisfied with the results, in particular, with current shipping volumes and certification”, - says OJSC PAVA’s CEO Andrey Ananin.