OREANDA-NEWS. August 25, 2010. In the past, UVK declared its intention to enter the pharma logistics market. About one year later, UVK experts may share experience they gained in this sphere. First of all, Oleh Kalenskyi believes that outsourcing of logistical services for pharmaceutical market is a modern and correct approach.

As of today, market trends indicate that the main bulk of pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine continue to work with several distributors. At the same time, processes of consolidating their operations greatly increase risks for importers, suppliers, and manufacturers. During crisis, the negative side of this organization of product promotion was felt especially acutely by the companies which have no commercial offices in Ukraine.

These companies were meant as the target audience for the portfolio of UVK services for pharmaceutical market. What we propose them is to divide logistical and trade risks between logistical operator and distributor company. An efficient distributive logistics system from UVK, which includes availability of cross-docking warehouses in regions, door-to-door delivery, organization of return, and documents carriage system will ensure high product representation and, consequently, success of pharmaceutical company.

Oleh Kalenskyi refutes an existing stereotype that practical organization of logistics which will take into account all required pharmaceutical licensing conditions is very difficult. As UVK experience proves, technical conditions may be all set in just three months given existence of sophisticated logistical infrastructure.

‘Our main objective is to offer alternate solution to the companies seeking it’, Oleh Kalenskyi noted in conclusion.