OREANDA-NEWS. November 13, 2010. Renaissance Capital announces the following changes to the company’s management team and structure.

Alexander Pertsovsky’s responsibilities have been expanded to include the positions of CEO of Renaissance Capital in Russia and CEO of Renaissance Group in Russia. Pertsovsky will also retain his position as President of Renaissance Capital. In his roles, Pertsovsky will manage the Firm’s top priority client relationships in Russia, as well as oversee large mandates, the Russian equities business and government relations.

Renaissance Capital also confirms that Yonatan Gozdanker will join the company with his team on October 18 in the position of Global Head of Cash Equities, expanding the emerging-market trading desk into a world-class operation. Yoni, a leader amongst EMEA traders, joins after highly successful roles at Citi and Deutsche Bank.  In the Firm’s new Cash Equities structure, Gozdanker will oversee:

Equity Sales Trading, led by Gary Lennon

Equity International Sales, led by Florian Hellmich, Dominic Bokor-Ingram, David Kuzmanich and Edward Mason

Equity Domestic Sales, led by Will Abbot

Equity Trading, which Gozdanker himself will lead

Renaissance Capital has also welcomed Natalia Lebedeva back to the office in her position of Director, Equity Domestic Sales. Lebedeva has always been one of the Firm’s biggest producers.

In addition, another top performer in the Firm, Evgueni Konovalenko, Managing Director, Equity International Sales, is moving from London to Moscow to consolidate Renaissance Capital’s Moscow sales effort.