OREANDA-NEWS. November 16, 2010. The insurance company Allianz ROSNO Life and the Irkutsk Regional Ministry of Education have signed a cooperation agreement. The joint action program aims to implement IC Allianz ROSNO Life’s social project "Gift to a Child" in the region, reported the press-centre of ROSNO.

The signing of this agreement became possible thanks to the successful implementation of the project in Irkutsk and Irkutsk Region. The key beneficiaries under the regional program are foster children of the Orphanage No.1. The specialists of the Irkutsk branch of IC Allianz ROSNO Life and the benefactors from Irkutsk and Irkutsk Region joined efforts to issue 10 accumulative insurance policies to the benefit of orphan children. The aggregate contractual insurance amount, excluding additional investment yield gained by the company, exceeds 1.2 mln roubles.

The Orphanage No.1, whose foster children are supported by the company employees and city residents, is one of the oldest such institutions in the city and the region. Presently accommodating over 120 children, it has been operating for the benefit of our society for 42 years already. The group of insured beneficiaries under the social project "Gift to a Child" comprises six boys and two girls aged 11 to 15 — foster children of the Orphanage. All of these children have good school marks and an active life stand. They are fond of playing chess and other sports; participating in theatrical and musical performances. The benefactors for the Irkutsk foster children are managers and chief specialists of local enterprises, including doctors, builders, pilots, and engineers.

Lyubov Ilyicheva, Deputy Director of the Irkutsk branch of IC Allianz ROSNO Life: "Indeed, our program greatly benefits from the status and endorsement from the city officials. This agreement will raise the project to a whole new level and boost help to children from the socially vulnerable groups. I would also like to praise our benefactors. These are seven truly sensitive and kind-hearted men. Though they have their own families — children and grandchildren — they still responded to our appeal and provided a significant support to the children. I would specifically like to mention the Managing Company Aviator, which performs facility improvement works in the college campus, reconstructs the housing fund and develops an infrastructure meeting the modern urban living standards. The company is headed by Mr. Alexander A. Lagutkin, who is an energetic and committed person. Being an orphan himself, he strongly feels about other’s misfortunes and views it as his civil duty to help those who bear the brunt of this life path. Alexander is confident that helping orphan children is task for true, vigorous men. And I certainly agree with him".

About the social project "Gift to a Child"
The purpose of the social project "Gift to a Child" implemented by IC Allianz ROSNO Life is to accumulate initial capital by the time the child turns 18 or 23 years old, to enable him or her to pay for education, medical treatment, or housing. Benefactors purchase individual policies of accumulative life insurance and, throughout certain time period (5 and more years) they form the initial capital which may be made available to their wards by the date specified in the insurance contract — either on a lumpsum basis, or in form of annuities. The insurance terms and conditions under the social project "Gift to a Child" contemplate engaging benefactors to protect unparented and disabled children, whose disease will not prevent them, after coming of age, from making a well-thought and intelligent decision on how to spend their capital. Under this social project, support is provided not only to foster children of state institutions, but also to those children who are brought up in tutorial families, foster families, single-parent families, and large families. In each region, the criteria for selection of children to participate in the project are established by a workgroup comprising representatives of the state, non-profit entities, and Allianz ROSNO Life.