OREANDA-NEWS. November 18, 2010. In his interview to the business weekly "Kontrakty" the Chairman of the Board of Kreditprombank Viktor Leonidov noted that actually there are no neither economic nor political preconditions for the beginning of the second wave of financial and economic crisis in Ukraine. "I can share the opinion of those analysts who suggest that the actual financial and economic crisis in our country is nearly over, reported the press-centre of Kreditprombank.

Certain stabilization in domestic bank system and economy as a whole is observed. The same can be said about the situation in the world financial and primary markets. However, it is obvious that recovery will not be fast. In the nearest year or two we can expect for a slow and smooth growth. The dynamic growth of assets in bank system (not only Ukrainian but European as well) in the foreseeable future is not forecasted", - stressed Viktor Leonidov, answering the question of the periodical’s journalist about the possibility of the start of the second wave of economic crisis in our country.

The head of Kreditprombank mentioned the decrease of the population’s trust in bank sector and loss of solvency by major borrowers among the most difficult consequences of the crisis. "The situation that we have today in financial system the analysts compare with the crisis of automobile industry in the late 90s of the last century.

Then the Auto Giants were forced to reduce about 30% of workplaces, the processes of mergers and acquisitions of automobile companies has activated, the technologies has changed radically that resulted in a brand new assembly line production of automobiles. The similar processes are expected in the bank system in the nearest few years", - noted Viktor Leonidov.