OREANDA-NEWS. November 25, 2010. Gas stations of the Gazprom Neft chain have launched a large-scale charity event called The New Year's Miracle to provide assistance to children at risk. The fundraiser targets motorists who use the services of Gazprom Neft gas stations. Two hundred roubles from every sixth gasoline purchase at any of the chain's filling stations will be donated for the needs of children at risk. At the same time, each motorist will be able to monitor the use of these funds. The money raised is meant for necessary children's medications, clothing, footwear, sports equipment, books or toys. The New Year's Miracle event will run to the end of 2010.

The large-scale relief effort, which will expand to 20 Russian regions within the next two months, has been endorsed by movie and sports stars, including the honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Boyarsky, the legendary forward of the Omsk Avangard hockey team Jaromir Jagr, and the famous Zenit striker Alexander Kerzhakov,.