OREANDA-NEWS. November 29, 2010. The respective inter-governmental agreement was signed in Chisinau by Finance Minister of Moldova Veaceslav Negruta and Ambassador of Sweden to Moldova Ingrid Tersman. The gratuitous financial assistance will be provided to our country by means of the Swedish International Development Agency.

67 million leis are needed for the general agricultural census, therefore Sweden will cover about 52% of the total expenses. In addition to that, Moldova will receive another EUR 1 million as a grant from the EU and 17 million leis for carrying out the census will be allocated from the state budget. The census is planned to provide information about the agricultural production structure, human, land and technical potential in agriculture.

The census will be organized within the UN Agricultural Program and the World Agricultural Census. It will be organized and carried out according to the international standards by the National Statistics Office in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova and local authorities. The first general agricultural census is planned to be carried out in Moldova in the first quarter of 2011.