OREANDA-NEWS. February 10, 2011. The President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin signed a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on the project Rasht - Astara with Azerbaijan Railways and Iranian railways in Tehran during a working visit to Iran, reported the press-centre of RZD.

"In order to develop and strengthen co-operation on railway transport between our three countries, we have agreed to a joint project to build a railway line Rasht - Astara," Yakunin said after signing the memorandum, wich was also signed by the CEO of Iranian Railways Saheb Mohammadi and the Chairman of Azerbaijan Railways Arif Askerov.

A direct rail link between Russian and Iran via Azerbaijan and the project to build the railway line Rasht - Astara (Iran) - Astara (Azerbaijan) is of great importance for the development of the North-South International Transport Corridor.

A joint venture will be set up to implement the project, with the partners to agree on the details in the near future.