OREANDA-NEWS. February 10, 2011. State Property Committee held extended board meeting to discuss the results of activity of structural and territorial subdivisions, market infrastructure of State Property Committee and foreground tasks for 2011.

The meeting covered all aspects of work done on implementation of forecasted indexes on sale of state assets, receiving funds from privatization and rent of temporally waste objects.

Thus, within the framework of the implementation of Privatization Program for 2010, 96 state assets worth .52 million and 40.98 billion soums, out of them .5 million and 21.26 billion soums falls to investment liabilities taken in accordance with sale and purchase agreements envisaging production modernization, creation of additional workplaces, increase of the production of import–substituting products.

Special attention was paid to necessity to take additional measures on implementation of tasks for 2011, timely distribution of privatization funds, offset of overdue debts on sale and purchase agreements, strengthening works on judicial and claim proceedings.

In 2010, the volume of earnings from state property rent made up 20.7 billion soums. The leasing centers detected 8.355 unused uninhabited state objects, out of them 7.217 objects were leased out. Totally, 11,900 state property leasing agreement were made, 25,000 new workplaces were created.

Managers of the leasing center were tasked to ensure further expansion of coverage zone, detection of unused objects and increase the volume of funds from state property leasing, increase of the number of new agreements, etc. Also the discussion covered effective state property management and established practical measures on elimination of errands in this direction.

The meeting resulted in adoption of corresponding decision and specific measures, appointment of responsible persons for implementation of major tasks for 2011.