OREANDA-NEWS. March 21, 2011. Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine will present the results of investigation of cartel collusion in the oil market. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov said at the meeting with representatives of British business.

“Review of activities of those companies that have entered into collusion and monopoly practically defined the price of petroleum products is being heid.  I think that on Tuesday AMC will declare his decision", - emphasized Mykola Azarov.

The Prime Minister informed that the Government is doing everything possible to increase oil production at national refineries. Mykola Azarov said that to exploration and production of oil and gas in Ukraine will be involved as public as private investment. According to him, this year will begin exploratory drilling in the Black Sea.

On the Prime Minister's opinion, the introduction of customs duties on imports of petroleum products is out late, as will lead to higher fuel prices, at least for 1.5 UAH. "Regarding the introduction of fees, then, as you know, is not quite the right time for their input, because they immediately raise the price of gasoline, at least for 1.5 UAH, - Mykola Azarov emphasized.