OREANDA-NEWS. May 20, 2011. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has launched a new training program for Belarusian food producers to increase awareness of international food safety standards and their benefits for food processing companies, particularly the enhanced ability to reach new export markets.

On May 17, IFC Belarus Food Safety Project hosted a workshop for over 40 senior managers from Mogilev and the surrounding region to raise their awareness of HACCP* food safety management system and practical aspects of its implementation. The workshop also covered such topics as effective resources management, cost savings, and risk minimization at food processing companies.

“Implementation of HACCP helped our company not only boost export sales, but also increase efficiency, mitigate risks, and become more profitable,” said Galina Titenkova, food safety manager of dairy processor Babushkina Krynka. “This also helped to attract new investors and partners, increase market share and strengthen our company’s position in the market.”

In Belarus, only 250 out of 700 food companies have HACCP in place. The absence of effective food safety management systems makes the sector vulnerable in case of food safety incidents and hinders export growth. With broader HACCP implementation, the Belarusian food industry could accommodate significant export market growth, which will help to increase trade and thus enhance economic development.

“Food exports and their diversification have become a top priority in Belarus,” said Olga Sherbina, IFC Food Safety Project Manager in Belarus. “To increase exports and gain access to new markets, Belarusian food processing companies need to have internationally recognized food safety management systems such as HACCP in place. It enables the company to react adequately to food safety threats, minimize risks, boost sales and increase customer loyalty and investor trust. Thus, implementation of HACCP systems will gradually lead to increased foodstuffs exports and to sustainable economic growth of the food industry.”

In 2011, IFC Belarus Food Safety Project will also conduct HACCP training programs for food processors in other regions.

IFC's food safety advisory work in Belarus is part of a broader regional initiative encompassing Georgia, Ukraine, and the Western Balkans and implemented in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Finance.