OREANDA-NEWS. June 07, 2011. In May this year, Citadele Bank completely retired Eurobonds for the value of 200 million Euros. These Eurobonds were emitted in 2006 and their maturity date was May this year. Thus, Citadele has successfully performed its long-term liabilities, reported the press-centre of Citadele Bank.

“Citadele has ensured successful retirement of Eurobonds by resources attracted by it. As a result, the Bank has performed its long-term liabilities fully and in due time toward investors who had invested their funds in these securities, ensuring investors with the expected profit. This is a positive signal for the State, investors and rating agencies which speaks volumes for stability and growth of Citadele. Settlement of these liabilities has a positive influence on the Bank’s total worth,” says Juris Jakobsons, Citadele’s Chairman of the Board of Directors.

He informs that Citadele started repurchasing Eurobonds prior to term as early as last year in order to decrease the Bank’s liabilities and increase its profit. The mentioned securities were emitted in 2005 with a maturity term of 5 years. The annual profitability rate of these securities was 5,625% and they had been purchased by investors from many parts of the world.