OREANDA-NEWS. June 07, 2011. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov charged the Ministry of Education and Sciences, Youth and Sports together with Council of ministers of Crimea, regionals, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations to arrange on renewal of activity before the closed preschool educational institutions and construction of new kindergartens.

"If we want, that in our economy worked many young, vigorous people, and worked productively - we should increase number of kindergartens. If the children in kindergartens are under supervision, both of the parents can work easy. It is possible to tell, that new workplaces begin with new seats in kindergartens", - Mykola Azarov noted.

The Prime Minister has disposed to provide within a week the information on a course of preparation of the Project of the decision on simplification of procedure of opening of preschool educational institutions that should be submitted for consideration of the Governments till 1 August. Also till 1 November, Ministry of Education and Sciences, Youth and Sports should develop amendments to the Law "On preschool education" on deliverance of such institutions (irrespective of a pattern of ownership) from payment of the land tax and from the taxation of the profit received from granting of educational services.

Mykola Azarov reminded, that the state in the last year legislatively entered mandatory preschool education for children of the senior preschool age which is called up to fix developed for correction of a demographic situation the governmental Program on progress of preschool education in 2010 - 2014.

"It is necessary to return kindergartens which have been leased and are used not to destination, - the Prime Minister noted. - Besides it, departments of education and sciences of the local state administrations should to lead full inventory of all facilities of working kindergartens of a municipal pattern of ownership, and to make plans-charts of repairs or reconstruction".

Thus the Prime Minister emphasized, that planning should be realistic, lean on resources - it is entrusted to provide to the Ministry of Finance.

Mykola Azarov cited as an example the Kyiv state administration where it is planned to return in the near future to work to destination 35 former kindergartens.

"Together with the state administrations of all levels need to plan construction of new modern kindergartens, counting, certainly, as well on the state help", - he emphasized.