OREANDA-NEWS. June 16, 2011. According to the Chairman of the State agency on energy efficiency and energy conservation of Ukraine Mykola Pashkevych the actual volume of savings of natural gas in the last year allows to predict with confidence savings of gas at a level 1-2 billion mі in a year.

Mykola Pashkevich is assured, that introduction of energy efficiency projects and technologies in 2010 it is only the beginning of positive dynamics of reduction of consumption of power resources. "On our calculations during the term of the State target economic program of energy efficiency and progresses of area of manufacture of energy carriers from renewed energy sources and alternative types of fuel on 2010-2015 Ukraine will be able to save nearby 10 billion mі of natural gas", the Chairman of Agency noted.

To reach objects in view it is planned due to realization of some actions, first of all, in municipal and budgetary areas. It is a question of modernization of objects of municipal services, sanitation of buildings and introduction of technologies electric heat accumulation heating and hot water supply, use of thermal pumps.

Reference. According to the regional state administrations actual volume of savings of natural gas in 2010 is amounted to 2,239,836, 74 thousand cubic meters.