OREANDA-NEWS. July 27, 2011. The Government expects that in this year in the Poltava region it would be gathered more than three millions tons of grain. It was declared by the Prime Minister Mykola Azarov at a briefing in the Poltava region.

"We count, that the grain yield in Poltava region will exceed three million tons. We have paid attention that on fields by which we passed, crops of grain and corns in a good condition so we shall hope for a good harvest of grain in this region", - Mykola Azarov noted.

Besides, the Prime Minister emphasized that in this year all Ukraine counted on a good harvest of grain, and "we have enough granaries to keep a new grain yield".

The Prime Minister said that during his working trip to Poltava region issues of gathering of early grain crops, intensification of progress of animal industries and an increase of a number of cattle were discussed. Mykola Azarov has once again reminded that the special program was developed for an increase of a number of cattle.