OREANDA-NEWS. August 09, 2011. Co-sponsored by Baosteel, the first domestic prefabricated steel civil construction industry technology innovation alliance was founded in Shanghai, with 23 well-known domestic enterprises including Baosteel, universities and research institutions participated in it. (hereinafter referred to as the Alliance), reported the press-centre of Baosteel.

It is known that in future, the Alliance will focus on the priority theme of "construction energy efficiency and green building," and with market as its orientation, with the "prefabricated equipment, energy saving" as the guiding ideology, fully relying on each unit's  advantage in the industrial chain, manufacture prefabricated steel structure civil construction products with high market competitivity. Meanwhile, with the Alliance industrial chain collaboration, it can achieve the rapidization of innovation results industrialization and ultimately the design of steel structure civil construction is standardized, the factory manufacturing is realized and construction is prefabricated, and the construction structure upgrading and optimization is promoted.

On the opening ceremony, Baosteel and some of units in the Alliance such as Tongji University, signed scientific and business cooperation agreement.

The Alliance also elected the first Council. Chinese Academy of Engineering academian, Tongji University professor Shen Zuyan and Tongji University professor Li Guoqiang were elected as the first council expert committee honorary director and director respectively. Baosteel Engineering & Technology Group Co.,Ltd. general manager Jiang Weimin is  first Alliance council president.