OREANDA-NEWS. August 10, 2011. Historical-information center of Beltelecom (previously Museum of Communications) resumed its work after a short break. Now excursion on the history of communications from 9th century till 21th century can be get on at: 13 Mendeleeva str., Minsk, reported the press-centre of Beltelecom. 

At the Historical-information center of Beltelecom, the unique center for our country, artifacts from the history of development of communications from birchbark manuscripts till modern communications facilities are gathered. The exhibit of the center demonstrate thematic sections on city and rural communications, telegraph, post, radio and television of different periods of development of telecommunications sector up to mobile communications, Internet access and Interactive television.

The Historical-information center of Beltelecom is open on weekdays for all comers. Excursions are free of charge.