OREANDA-NEWS. October 14, 2011. Following a decision of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Board of Directors dated August 31, 2011 amendments # 20 (Amendments) to KASE internal document "Rules of Repo Transactions Execution" (Rules) have been approved, reported the press-centre of KASE.

The Amendments have been approved by the Committee on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (FSC NBK) and will be effective from October 17, 2011.

The Amendments stipulate the following:

- responsibility of parties in case of untimely submission of a settlement confirmation on a closing repo transaction by a Confirmation System user is shown conspicuously ( the deal is terminated, the responsibility is carried by the deal's parties);

- prolongation of a nego repo transaction must be carried out on any trading day before the moment of opening of a trading session of the repo transaction's closing day.

Besides, the text of the Rules has been edited.

The revised text of the Rules will be published on KASE website, at http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/repo_eng.pdf in the near future.