OREANDA-NEWS. October 20, 2011. Assembly of major technological equipment started on construction site of provender mill. Swiss company Buhler AG acted as the supplier of the equipment. Now lifting works are being performed: the equipment is removed from the warehouse, transported to the assembly area where it is scraped, and then packing material is glued to the docking interface. Packing material is necessary for connection of assembly structures. The enterprise also receives electric hoists – suspended load-carrying devices which provide substantial lifting speed for large-size loads and its transportation along the beams, reported the press-centre of Titan.

The first facility which already received the equipment was warehouse for finished products: employees of agency “Spetsmontazh” (“Special Assmebly Services”) which carries out installation works within the framework of contractor’s agreement brought three containers for oil on-line storage to the assembly area and also 36 emptying funnels (elements of silo constructions). Now they are arranged around the areas of the facility where they will be installed according to the project.

In addition, nonstandard equipment is brought to the construction site. It is produced by Omsk company limited “Stroitel’ny Servis ” (“Construction Services”). This equipment includes metalware meant for connection of major technological hardware of the company Buhler AG (4088 out of 4548 units were already fabricated). In all 26 specialists were attracted for the installation works.

Construction of the object entered its final stage. Decoration of interiors is carried out, land improvement continues. All building and construction works will be finished before the end November. After that commissioning works will start on the plant.

Provender mill is an object of agro-industrial cluster of the project PARK: Industrial Agricultural Regional Clusters, the head of the project is deputy of State Duma Mikhail Sutyaginsky.