OREANDA-NEWS. November 22, 2011. The State building Code dated January 1, 2006 set the current and the final formula for calculating the total area of housing. It includes calculated according to a fixed rate area of the room, cold and glazed balconies, loggias and barns. Two of the three factors have operated in Soviet times, and the coefficient of glazed balconies was added in January 2006. Since that the principle of calculating the total area has not changed. However, there were not definition of total area, and its calculation formula in the Housing Code.

"In fact, amendments to Article 6 of the Housing Code only fixe existing situation and the existing procedure for calculating rent. Calculation of the total area does not change, respectively, the area on which the fee is charged, remains unchanged", - Anatoliy Blyznyuk said.

According to state building codes and Article 6 of the Housing Code of Ukrainian SSR (now current) for balconies and terraces set ratio 0.3, for loggias - 0.5; for glazed balconies - 0.8; for porches, glazed loggias and cold barns - 1.0; for the remaining area also - 1.0.

What does this mean in practice? Look an example. If the area of all rooms apartment is 35 square meters and the accommodation has a 2 square meters balcony the total area will be 35x1+2x0.3 = 35 + 0.6 = 35.6 square meters.

It is for this scheme has been carried out and charging of the rent for all previous years, at least since January 2006. That is, any rent increase will not and can not be. Any speculation on this topic is nothing but a deliberate attempt to misinform the public and twists the obvious facts.