OREANDA-NEWS. November 22, 2011. Concorde Capital released daily Ukrainian market view:

The UX sailed up 2.82% on Thursday, though equity turnover remained low at just UAH 91.5 mln. Two stocks made double-digit gains: Stirol (STIR UK) +18.24% and Yenakiieve Steel (ENMZ UK) +15.54%. Other blue chips to beat the market yesterday were Ukrtelecom (UTLM UK) +5.75%, Donbasenergo (DOEN UK) +4.66%, and Stakhaniv Wagon (SVGZ UK) +4.13%.

U.S. stocks yesterday recouped some of the session’s prior losses after the government reported jobless claims fell to a seven-month low, Italian bond yields retreated, and Greece’s selection of a new prime minister tempered concern about Europe’s debt crisis. Greece’s main political parties agreed to participate in a coalition government headed by former European Central Bank Vice President Lucas Papademos. Asia markets are up today, with export-focused firms and retailers gaining, after positive signals out of debt-stricken Europe helped improve sentiment. Oil is advancing and is set for its longest weekly winning streak since April 2009.