OREANDA-NEWS. December 02, 2011. 2011 Baosteel Education Awards ceremony is held yesterday afternoon at the Talent Development Institute, which is the 22nd time of the Baosteel Education Awards presentation. 946 students and 266 teachers from 107 domestic universities and 18 institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences receive this year's Baosteel Education Awards, reported the press-centre of Baosteel.

Former vice mayor of Shanghai, Baosteel Education Foundation honorary president Xie Lijuan, Shanghai Jiaotong University council honorary director, Baosteel Education Foundation supervisory board chairman Wang Zongguang, Chinese Academy of Sciences academian, Baosteel Education Fund advisor, Huazhong University of Science former president Professor Yang Shuzi, Chinese Academy of Engineering academian, Baosteel Education Fund advisor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University former president, Professor Weng Shilie, Chinese Education Association chairman, the Ministry of Education Social Sciences Committee deputy director, Baosteel Education Fund advisor, Beijing Normal University Professor Gu Mingyuan, Chinese Academy of Sciences academian, Baosteel Education Found adviser, Dalian University of Science & Technology former president Professor Cheng Gengdong, Baosteel Group Co., Ltd., vice chairman, Party secretary, Baosteel Education Foundation council general Liu Guosheng, old Baosteel cadres Zhu Er'pei and Guan Zhuangmin, cadres from Shanghai Education Committee and China Metallurgical Education Association and awards winner representatives from 107 domestic universities and 18 institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences attend the awards ceremony. Xu Lejiang and  Liu Guosheng make speeches. Baosteel Education Fund secretary general Fan Chunshi read the document in recognition of outstanding teachers and students.Beijing Normal University professor Mao Zhenming, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade student Ye Xinyi speak on behalf of  award-winning teachers and students.

For 20 years, 17,602 university teachers and students in China have been awarded Baosteel Education Awards. Up to now, the Foundation has a total of nearly 150 million yuan for education awards and funding. Baosteel Education Fund has established a good image in the education sector and in the community and has become the nationwide education fund with wide influence and high reputation.

Liu Guosheng says in his speech that the development of Baosteel Education Fund depends on generations of Baosteel cadres' teaching and careful operation, on relevant national authorities' strong guidance and support, on the warm help and  rigorous work of appraisal committee experts and on the enthusiastic participation and support of teachers and students.Baosteel will continue to support education which is a career with far-reaching impact, will make efforts to turn Baosteel Education Fund into domestic first-class education fund with  international influence and make new contributions for the development of China's education.

Xu Lejiang says in his speech that Baosteel puts  high priority on social responsibility. For 22 years, with encouraging talents, respecting teachers, promoting industry-university cooperation and supporting education development as its aim, Baosteel Education Fund  rewards well-rounded students who have outstanding records in professional learning, social practice and scientific research, as well as outstanding teachers in the front teaching line.This shows Baosteel's attention to society, its pay back to society and its enthusiasm in social welfare in its construction and development process. "We are pleased to see that Baosteel Education Awards winning students are becoming the country's elite and pillars, that Baosteel Education Awards winning teachers train talents well. This is the country's hope as well as Baosteel's expectations."