OREANDA-NEWS. December 08, 2011. Changes to legislation, which the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov entrusted to develop, have to implement in Ukraine European approaches to quality control and market regulation. This was started by Mykola Azarov during the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Therein the PM sees "a principal exit" from a situation when the consumer market gets a lot of low-quality products, and manufacturers do not bear proper responsibility for such actions.

In particular, it is provided that "in the case of detection of products which posing threat to health and life, market surveillance authority unconditionally withdraws all lots of the product from circulation". Inspectors determine the manufacturer or importer of such products and impose such penalties, obligations to recall dangerous or poor-quality goods from the market and compensate injured consumers, so "losses of unfair producers and sellers bring him up to the bankruptcy".

"Tell me, have someone the principal objection to this approach?" - Mykola Azarov asked this at the session of the Cabinet, having received the answer that "no objection". But he added that next week would be considered "legislative developments in this regard".