OREANDA-NEWS. March 12, 2012. Close cooperation of the State Mortgage Institution with partner banks will allow in the nearest future complete and put into operation more than 390 thousand square meters of housing or 5.5 thousand apartments in various regions of Ukraine, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Sevastopol.

This was announced by head of the State Mortgage Institution Victor Myrgorodskyi during a briefing at the Government House. "Today it has been completed 10 buildings - 107 thousand square meters. And by the end of the year we plan to put into operation 14 more buildings with total area of 262 thousand square meters of housing", - said Victor Myrgorodskyi. He also noted that within the program in 2011 it was financed 26 unfinished construction projects totaling 627 million UAH.

The program of affordable housing for the population, said Victor Mirgorod, is on the personal control of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov. In particular, during a visiting meeting on the implementation of the state program "Affordable Housing" on March 5, he set a specific task to double the level of mortgage lending in the current year.

Recall to perform tasks of the Government in 2011 it had been designed and implemented a program on additional financing of unfinished construction projects, which were suspended during the global crisis. The program is aimed primarily to stimulate the construction of the primary housing market, as well as to provide housing for people who have already invested in the construction of these unfinished construction projects, as well as to revive mortgage lending and as a consequence, public confidence in the housing market, investment in this market.