OREANDA-NEWS. March 13, 2012. The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine has created for passenger carriers loyal conditions for installation of tachographs in vehicles. "We introduce the mandatory use of tachographs on route length of 150 km since June 1, 2012, and length from 50 to 150 km - since June 1, 2013.

This will enable entities, which use vehicles without tachographs, to prepare and it is also a sufficient period for car manufacturers to ensure all vehicles with control equipment in standard features"- the deputy director of the Department of Road Transport Oleksandr Tkachenko said.

Experts believe that the package of vehicles with tachographs will increase the safety of automobile traffic on intercity and interregional routes because accidents arising from the fatigue of drivers will slow down. According to Oleksandr Tkachenko, tachographs are used for control the mode of work and leisure of driver and tachographs also control speed of the vehicle. Then tachograph gives technical feasibility of safe travel for the passenger. "Tachograph regulates stopping the vehicle on a mandatory basis from 15 min. or 45 min., allowing the driver to relax, eat and even do gymnastics" - he said.

Before we implement the mandatory use of tachographs the Ministry of Infrastructure has studied the experience of foreign countries. The Ministry has taken on the basis standards that operate in the European Union. It takes also into account public opinion. "There aren’t complaints from businesses" - Oleksandr Tkachenko said.