OREANDA-NEWS. March 23, 2012. At the conference hall of POJSEB "Trustbank" was held a seminar on the topic: "Export-import and trade finance operations implemented by the banks in the Republic of Uzbekistan", conducted by the Department of Foreign Economic Activity and Currency operations for the banking staff engaged in foreign exchange operations, reported the press-centre of Trustbank.

The seminar started with the opening speech by Deputy Chairman of the Board of POJSEB "Trustbank" Davydenko N.Yu. During the seminar the following issues were discussed: " Export-import operations implemented in the banks of Uzbekistan ", "Documentary operations in the banks of Uzbekistan", "Bank operations conducted on the OTC market," "The procedure of swap transactions", "Accounting for currency operations", "Interbranch currency payments" Consideration of these issues will help: - to comply with regulatory documents adopted by the Central Bank regarding the currency; regulation, - to train highly qualified currency operations specialists to inform clients in the regions about modern banking products; - to strengthen the attractiveness of the bank on a new qualitative level. Training was conducted to improve the knowledge of banking staff.