OREANDA-NEWS. April 06, 2012. Through the program of Western Union & You Kalininske outlet of Donbas branch of Kreditprombank took 7-th place in top 10 best outlets in Europe. Totally following the results of program held in Europe it was chosen the best 52 outlets. Prizes were awarded only to ten of them, reported the press-centre of Kreditprombank.

Aim of program was improvement of servicing the Western Union customers with a help of additional training and motivation of employees at banking outlets that are responsible for implementing the transfers through the Western Union System.

This program was attended by about thousand points of servicing throughout the world. Ukrainian banking institutions competed with European outlets. The winner was determined by assessing the dynamics of transactions growth on year-on-year terms, the extent of involvement of operating consultants and head of the banking outlet in the event focused on improvement of customer service.   

Recall that Kreditprombank provides services of the leading money transfer systems, which cover all the main directions and allow the customers of the bank to perform transfers quickly and safely. At that, services of Western Union System are one of the most required.