OREANDA-NEWS. April 26, 2012. Due to the large number of requests from the media about the statement of the Investigative Committee, Moscow Domodedovo Airport informs that it is satisfied by the fact that for 14 months a group of investigators consisting of about 20 people managed to establish the following: the requirements for transportation safety, with respect to which a criminal case was initiated, entered into force after the terrorist attack, reported the press-centre of Domodedovo Airport.

On 19/01/2012, the Investigative Committee initiated a new criminal case and forbade making any comments on it, citing the secrecy of the investigation. 3 months later the Committee itself made it public. We believe this was done in order to ensure information transparency. In the meantime, some points from the message of the Investigative Committee deserve special attention.

According to Art. 49 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, an activity may not be called a crime until otherwise declared by the court. No employee of Moscow Domodedovo Airport is a suspect or a defendant in this case.

Circumstances in which the criminal case was initiated represent a business conflict: Vnukovo Airport became a guarantor of the payment of debts of  AiRUnion airlines to Domodedovo. Since 2008 the dispute about the amount of guarantee payments has been considered by arbitration courts. No one ever spoke about evidence tampering in the arbitration proceeding.

The opinion about "falsification" of the invoice arose from the fact that the arbitration case contains copies of accounting documents, rather than originals. Using a copy of a document does not contradict the Arbitration Procedure Code.

The fact that the message of the Investigative Committee  was published the day before the said case hearing by the Court of Arbitration is a random coincidence.

In any case, the idea of the Investigative Committee deserves thorough examination: from now on, any person whose property claims will not be satisfied in full by the Arbitration Court, will be at risk of becoming a defendant in a criminal prosecution under the article "fraud".

If 224 million rubles transferred to accounts of one of the Domodedovo enterprises were "stolen", we would have noticed it. However, audits do not confirm this fact.