OREANDA-NEWS. April 27, 2012. This resolution was adopted at s sitting of the government. Cabinet ministers approved the 200 mln. leis increase of the budget deficit and the maximum permissible amount of the internal debt.

According to the Minister of Finance Veaceslav Negruta, state securities issued for 5 years at a total sum of 200 mln. leis will be sold to commercial banks and the money received will be spent to complete reconstruction of the building of the Parliament. In particular, 140 mln. leis are planned to be used to complete reparation and reconstruction themselves and 60 mln. leis will be spent on furniture and equipments. The building is planned to be completely repaired till the end of this year, the Minister stressed.

The government also decided to return the building of the supreme legislative body from the accounting books of the government, namely the Ministry of Construction and regional Development, to those of the Parliament which will be able to administrate it independently. The Presidential Palace is planned to be repaired either in 2013 or 2014 as the economy and the budget allow.

According to preliminary estimates, to complete the reparation it will take 140 to160 mln. leis. The money is thought to be also received from state securities emission.