OREANDA-NEWS. May 21, 2012. POSCO officially opened the POSCO Pavilion with the opening ceremony of EXPO 2012 Yeosu on May 11th.

The POSCO Pavilion which is the most approachable of all independent corporate pavilions at the Expo site spans 2113? and 3 stories high.

During the two days of opening weekend, 12,000 attendees both domestic and foreign visited the POSCO Pavilion marking a smooth start. The POSCO Pavilion shaped in a large nautilus and the differentiated external appearance given shape from a person`s `ear` open to the ocean gathered attendees.

The exhibition space which offers an experience of journeying through a large nautilus consists of the 5 themes of love, challenge, the world, environment, and ocean, with differentiated productions for each offering abundant experiences to visitors.

Visitors continuously took photos in front of the PBC-EV and smart chair installed in the environment zone, and the ocean zone resembling an aquarium gathering much attention. Children especially enjoy the world zone where games can be played through touch screens.

The multimedia show in the large auditorium, however, is what awed visitors the most. In line with the `More knowledge more intimacy` campaign under the theme of understanding and communication between generations and classes, the multi-media show is expected to serve as a place of communication to become closer to the people around the world.
The POSCO Pavilion will be open for 93 days from May 12th to August 12th, letting visitors from Korea and abroad know of POSCO which communicates together with nature and people.