OREANDA-NEWS. June 8, 2012. The court of Central Region of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, brought in a verdict in respect of the former payroll accountant of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company’s additional office in Novokuznetsk, Ekaterina Al, Shevchenko, born in 1982, who stole the funds in the amount of 684,833.95 rubles from the cash office of the insurance company. The investigation of this case lasted for more than four years.

From November 2006 till December 2007, Ms. Shevchenko worked as a payroll accountant of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company’s additional office in Novokuznetsk. Her activity included control of operations related to acceptance, accounting, payment, and keeping of funds and securities. As follows from the materials of the case, Ekaterina Shevchenko using her position accepted funds from the company's employees and customers on the basis of receipts, put marks of payment, and later took these receipts away from the cash office and excluded bout payment in daily report. The materials of the criminal case include 23 proved cases of funds being stolen by Ms. Shevchenko.

In March 2008, after numerous applications and complaints on the part of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company, the investigation department of Novokuznetsk Internal Affairs Department instituted a criminal case in respect of E. A. Shevchenko. In the course of the criminal case investigation, Ingosstrakh Insurance Company addressed the Main Investigation Department under the Main Internal Affairs Department of Novokuznetsk many times with complaints about ungrounded delay of investigation. It was only in May 2011 that E. A. Shevchenko was accused of committing the crimes envisaged by Part 3 Article 160 of the Russian Criminal Code (stealing of property committed by a person using his/her position), and the case was addressed to court.

On May 17, 2012, the court of Central Region of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, found Ekaterina A. Shevchenko guilty of the crime envisaged by Part 1 Article 160 of the Russian Criminal Code, pointing to 23 cases of committed stealing, and sentenced her to 180 hours of compulsory community service. The convicted shall have to return the whole sum of the stolen funds, in the amount of 684,833.95 rubles, to the insurance company. The verdict took legal effect.