OREANDA-NEWS.  July 02, 2012. Sinochem Group, its listed enterprise Sinochem International (Holding) Co., Ltd. (“Sinochem International” for short), GMG and SIAT held “Achieving Mutual Benefits through Collaboration, Boosting and Continuing Welfare: Sinochem-GMG-SIAT & 5 West and Central African Embassies Conference.” Envoys from Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Cote d’lvoire, Gabon, Republic of Ghana and Federal Republic of Nigeria attended the conference, and Sinochem Group Vice President and Sinochem International Chairman Pan Zhengyi made a speech at the conference, reported the press-centre of Sinochem Group.

At the conference, the principal of Sinochem International introduced the mutual benefits achieved by the company and local governments and communities through cooperation in Africa, and emphasized the company’s practices and efforts in building a social responsibility system, including green circular economy development and sustainable skills training for local employees.

At the conference, Mr. Pan Zhengyi recognized the company’s tropical planting business development in Central and West Africa and the mutual benefits achieved with the local areas, and expressed the hope that Sinochem International, GMG and SIAT would continue to be dedicated to constructing sustainable business operation models in the local areas while improving their business performance.

Distinguished guests showed positive response to the format of the conference and communicated with each other regarding further cooperation and other issues. They expressed their willingness to develop a mechanism of regular communication in the future.

Sinochem International completed its merger and acquisition of GMG in 2008. In February 2012, Sinochem International announced that it would acquire 35% equity of SIAT through its holding company GMG, listed in Singapore. SIAT is engaged in the planting, processing, production and marketing of natural rubber and oil palm, with its main assets distributed among Cote d’lvoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Gabon, etc.