OREANDA-NEWS. September 25, 2012. At the home of Zhao Yuchuan (a 6-year old boy) located at Guanyintang Township, Shan County of Henan's Sanmenxia City, 20+ children from Beijing were vying with each other to present toys, stationery and gifts to Zhao Yuchuan. The friends from afar gave a big surprise to Zhao Yuchuan, who just regained his eyesight recently, reported the press-centre of ICBC.  

Zhao Yuchuan's home was one of the places to visit under ICBC-Lifeline Express charity event for children and their parents "Brightness to Sanmenxia". In 2012, ICBC donated RMB 3 million for the train hospital "Lifeline Express" to provide free vision-restoration surgery to 1500 impoverished cataract patients living in Henan's Sanmenxia. Zhao Yuchuan was one of these 1500 beneficiaries, who suffered from congenital cataract and lived in darkness since birth, as the cataract surgery fee was beyond the financial capabilities of this little boy and he had no access to modern medical facilities either. Parents of Zhao Yuchuan were overwhelmed with all the gifts (rice, oil, eggs, stationery) to the boy from Beijing friends. To express their utmost gratitude, the parents gave their home-grown maize and peanuts in return.

From August 25-27, 30 children from 25 families participated in the "Brightness to Sanmenxia" Group and visited the medical staff in the train hospital "Lifeline Express", patients before and after the surgery and families of three impoverished patients. The children of the Group performed variety shows, presented "Blessing" flag and took photograph with the medical staff, patients, bringing brightness and hope to everybody. The Group also visited the Sanmenxia's Xiaoshan Road Second Primary School and Fucun Primary School and donated books, stationery, sports goods to the children there. Children from Beijing and Sanmenxia got together to play, drawing, rope skipping, tug-of-war, ball games, to talk about home, life's aim......

"Brightness to Sanmenxia" opens another world to the children living in the urban cities, planting seeds of love in their heart. Parents encouraged their children to make full use of this opportunity to know the world, actively participate in voluntary service and help others. Children also used different ways to express their concern to the event, thank ICBC and gain new understanding about childhood, brightness, love and care.