OREANDA-NEWS. February 21, 2013. Representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) took part in the VIII AlcoCONGRESS at Prod-Expo -2013, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.  

Over 200 representatives of the leading industry business-associations, unions and companies from different constituent territories of the Russian Federation discussed the problems of the industry and methods of resolving them.

Congress participants paid special attention to advertising of alcohol products. Answering questions from the audience, the Head of the FAS Department for Control over Advertising and Unfair Competition, Tatiana Nikitina, emphasized openness of the Antimonopoly Service for a dialogue and discussions of all enforcement problems.

The Head of FAS Department for Control over the Authorities, Vladimir Mishelovin, outlined the plans of the antimonopoly service for 2013: “FAS will focus on competition protection in introduction of restrictive measures and granting preferences to particular companies by the authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, as well as establishing the regulatory framework of the industry within the Common Economic Space”.