OREANDA-NEWS. March 14, 2013. At the annual extended Collegium session the Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) Igor Artemyev presented a Strategy for Developing Antimonopoly Regulation in 2013 - 2024.

The Head of FAS outlined the main purpose of the Strategy as going above the protective function and transition to system-wide measures of macroeconomic nature, which must form a pro-competitive legal and institutional regime in the Russian economy.

The Strategy includes the following objectives: 1. To become one of the ten best competition authorities in the world. 2. To shift from an individual protection of a physical person to protection of the interests of the general public if their rights are infringed by a monopolist. 3. To formalize in the law of the Russian Federation the international principle of exhausting intellectual property rights in order to strengthen competition and reduce retail prices. 4. To expand the sphere of employment of new legal institutes - warnings and cautions - to anticompetitive acts and actions of public-law entities as well as unfair competition. 5. To stimulate introduction of a compliance (corporate measures aimed at preventing antimonopoly violations) among economic entities, associations (unions) of market participants. 6. To exclude notification control over economic concentration in order to further reduce the burden over business and remove administrative barriers. 7. To codify all provisions of the Russian law aimed at protecting and developing competition, to devise the Administrative Code of the Customs Union. 8. With integration of the CIS, to form a new-level system of antimonopoly regulation, similar to the system being formed within the Common Economic Space and the system existing in the EU.

The Head of the antimonopoly authority pointed out that implementing the Strategy would be impossible without modernization of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations. Summing up, Igor Artemyev emphasized: “In my opinion, all federal executive bodies must work under ISO 9001 quality management standards”.