OREANDA-NEWS. March 14, 2013. Sun Donglin, the Best Migrant Worker of MCC Huaye Resources Development Company and one of the Faith Brothers, was elected as one of the NPC Representatives of the 12th National People's Congress.

In an interview on February 25, Sun Donglin said excitedly: ”After being elected as the NPC Representative, I feel a sense of both honor and responsibility. Shouldering the great trust of the migrant workers of the whole country, now I am facing a heavier load. In this view, I will matter-of-factly reflect the demands of the migrant workers, perform well on the duties as a spokesman of migrant workers and compete for more benefits and rights for the workers.”

On February 10, 2010, Sun Shuilin, the brother of Sun Donglin, who was a Project Manager of construction work in Beijing, decided to go back to Wuhan before the road closure due to the heavy snow. He carried a large amount of cash (RMB 260,000 yuan, the wages to be paid for the migrant workers who had already gone back to Wuhan) and drove to Huangpi District, his hometown, with his family members at night.

Unfortunately all the five members died in the car accident. Then Sun Donglin decided to finish an unfulfilled task of his sibling - making sure that his construction workers got paid, he raised RMB 336,000 yuan and made full payment to all the 60 migrant workers just before the Spring Festival. The actions of the Sun family moved a large number of people, and major national news media such as Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, People's Daily, People's Daily Online, Xinhuanet and China Daily made reports in this regard. Readers and netizens highly praised them to be Faith Brothers, who had carry forward the traditional Chinese virtue and play an essential role in construction of a harmonious society.

The Faith Brothers' deeds were widely spread over the country, and Sun Donglin has been granted quite a few prizes and honorable titles, for instance, National Labor Medal, National Moral Model, Chinese Mensch, as well as one of the top ten people who moved the hearts of the Chinese in 2010 by CCTV.