OREANDA-NEWS. As the “Modern-Expo” actively develops with its customers, we are thoroughly investigating the business of our partners. We would like to present annual 2012 results of Ukraine retail market tendencies. Hope, this information would be interesting for You!

Retail trade field achieves more optimistic results in Ukraine, 2012. And it improves in the store openings and trade areas growth.

Retail — is the labor market leader in published vacancies number and this rate is continuously growing. The companies increase sales capacity and employ different workers – from seller assistants to the head managers of the stores net. In the third quarter of 2012, the vacancy capacity in this sphere has been increased in 1.28 times in comparison with the same period, but in 2011.

Food stores, clothing and shoe sales outlets, household appliances are specially widened.

The seller assistants, merchandisers and cashiers are the most popular among the half of vacancies in retail sphere.

The big competition is between head managers, who develop stores net. It’s about 22 persons per one vacancy. The administrators, store managers and trade department managers are also highly competitive.

The main problems of retail stores are staff turnover and trade staff deficit.

Lots of companies develop an inner training system for people, who potentially fit for these positions to maintain staff turnover. It is economically efficient to have loyal staff and personnel reserve in the companies rather than constantly looking for new ones.

Fighting with the staff deficit, the companies are able to ease employing process by means of excluding or moderating age or gender requirements.

The important trend - is the “e-commerce” development. Nowadays, account executives and content- managers are in a great demand in on-line commerce.

The following tendencies can be kept in 2013 and the requests for staff searching and selecting can be predicted in electronic commerce area.