OREANDA-NEWS. April 23, 2013. Ukraine has good prospects for the development of aircraft field taking into account considerable demand for national planes in the world. This was informed by Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Boyko in an interview for the Uryadovyi Kuryer (Governmental Courier) newspaper.

“Planes of the Antonov enterprise are unique airliners, the world have admitted them as being among the most reliable ones,’ Yuriy Boyko underlined.

He emphasized that Ukrainian aviation industry had a significant potential for the development in the direction of maintenance and modernization of already produced planes and also in production of new ones.

“We are producing new Antonov aircrafts, have very many propositions and very large prospects, first of all, with the Russian partners. It is so as historically the productive cooperation between Ukraine and Russia existed just in production of these planes,” the Vice Premier explained. 

He added that a business plan of setting up a joint enterprise with the Russian partners with regards to production of An-148 plane was being elaborated.

“This aircraft is in demand, there exists huge interest to it from the Russian side,” Yuriy Boyko stressed.

He reminded that recently Ukraine had supplied two planes to Turkmenistan and the Turkish partners showed interest in further cooperation. 

“They have ordered two more planes, the negotiations in this matter are underway,” the Vice Prime Minister informed.

There are a lot of plans concerning the development of aviation industry and they will be realized, Yuriy Boyko summed up.