OREANDA-NEWS. April 26, 2013. Recently, the China Banking Association organized the Release Conference for 2012 Chinese Banking Service Improvement Report and Commendation Meeting for 1,000 Model Institutions in Civilized and Standardized Service. Agricultural Bank of China Limited (ABC) won the “2012 Outstanding Contribution Award in Selection of 1,000 Model Institutions for Civilized and Standardized Banking Service in China” and “2012 Best Organization Award for Financial Knowledge Popularization in the Chinese Banking Industry”.

108 ABC outlets won the honorary title of “1,000 Model Institutions in Civilized and Standardized Service of China Banking Association”, ranking second in the industry in the number of winning outlets.

In recent years, ABC has been actively promoting outlet transformation, and improving service environment and service quality, which greatly enhanced its customer satisfaction and social reputation.

Greats efforts were made to improve service environment at outlets. ABC enlarged resource input and initiated the “Green Action” to unify standards on outlet image building and enhance outlet standardization. By the end of 2012, it replaced doorplate logo and employee costume at 23,000 outlets, and fulfilled standardization of 12,000 outlets in total. The brand new ABC outlets and logo have become a green landscape in cities and villages, winning wide recognition from the public.

ABC also stepped up efforts to improve service quality at outlets. 2009 was made the “Year of Civilized and Standardized Outlet Service”, when ABC regulated service manners, trained service etiquette, popularized service culture and embedded the service standards in over 20,000 outlets. Since 2010, it launched four campaigns themed as “service with smile, guaranteed service at the first enquiry, improving quality and furnishing customers” respectively. By doing so, a smiling service atmosphere has been shaped and customer relationship management reinforced, which improved the service quality at outlets.

ABC has also been dedicated to improving outlet service efficiency. In order to upgrade counter-based transaction procedures, it implemented such programs as centralized authorization, online inspection, lobby pretreatment and back-office operation centralization. These measures greatly improved counter-based transaction efficiency and effectively met the demand of customers for basic financial services that are safe, convenient, high-quality and efficient. Besides, the flexible shift arrangement system was popularized at outlets to reasonably arrange windows in business according to customer flow distribution, which boosted service efficiency.