OREANDA-NEWS. May 16, 2013. “During recent years a discussion concerning effective management of natural resources has achieved the highest international level which proves the fact that FAO International Food and Agriculture Organization elaborated and signed a year ago a historical international agreement “The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security,” noted head of the State Agency of Land Resources in his speech during the seminar, which is held by FAO and land department of Ukraine in Kyiv.

The land issue is actively developing in Ukraine – twenty years’ land reform is coming to its logical end. This year land resource bodies have introduced successfully a new completely automated National Cadastre System, owing to which the process of registration of plots was managed to cheapen significantly, and the most important – the time shortened from weeks and often months to half an hour.

“These days we register over 5 thousand land plots and issue up to 4 thousand extracts from the cadastre to hold operations with land. Over 350 000 plots have been registered from the start of year. This year Ukraine has managed to realize successfully the principles of openness and transparency in management of land resources. We have launched auctions concerning state and communal property lands. Moreover, cadastre information has become public for the first time. Everyone concerned can see information about any land plot except for personal data in the public cadastre map,” Serhiy Tymchenko informed the foreign colleagues.

The public cadastre map has become one of the most visited state web-resources of the country – around 2 mln visitors with 5% foreign users out of this number.

In addition the experts accentuated on the fact that now millions of people depend on presence of arable land and pastures, ponds with fish and forests as life facilities. Safe and fair access to the natural resources is the basis for the sustainable development.