OREANDA-NEWS. June 06, 2013. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Leonid Kozhara has met with foreign ambassadors and members of International trade club in Ukraine.

During the meeting the Minister outlined priorities of Ukrainian foreign policy in the economic area and emphasized that Ukraine would use all possibilities to ensure development of mutually beneficial relations with traditional partners – the EU, the Russian Federation, the USA, China, and also with states of Africa, Asia and Latin America.

L.Kozhara informed participants of the meeting about advantages and new opportunities which are opened in front of representatives of European and Ukrainian business after signing in November of the current year the Association Agreement with the EU, including deep and overall free trade area. In this context the Minister expressed hopes for all-round support of signing of the Agreement on the part of International trade club members.

The head of the foreign political department drew attention to the need to continue deepening of cooperation of the trade club with the MFA, namely with the Council of Exporters and Investors within the MFA of Ukraine, and suggested to hold their joint sitting in the near future.

In the frames of the event there was held informal communication of the Minister with ambassadors and members of the Trade club.