OREANDA-NEWS. July 09, 2013. A group of Moldovan entrepreneurs participate with a collective stand at the Xth issue of the International Technical Scientific Exhibition, held in Manzhouli city, China.

The economic mission was organised by the Moldovan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) with the support of the Chinese embassy in Moldova and is aimed at fostering trade ties between the two states.

The head of the CCI exhibitions and fairs department, Marina Petrov, said that the exhibition included a large spectrum of services and products. "The Moldovan entrepreneurs participate in this exhibition event for the first time. During the exhibition, the local businessmen will have bilateral meetings and will attend the event’s additional programme. The participation to this event with a collective stand is welcomed, as Manzhouli city represents an interest point for achieving investment and technical-scientific exchange in the Asian North-Eastern region, having an important role in the development of the adjacent regions from Mongolia, Russia and the Northern China," Petrov said.

Over 10,000 participants from China, Mongolia and other countries are participating in the exhibition. There will be exhibited products and services of such areas as: biotechnology and medicine, renewable energy, automatics, construction materials and equipment, metal articles, cars, packaging devices, agricultural machines, food products and beverages, agricultural and animal products etc.