OREANDA-NEWS. September 10, 2013. GAZ Group will deliver 330 PAZ-32053 chassis to Cuba by the end of 2013. The Cuban Government plan to start their own production of buses on this base.

GAZ Group has already delivered 210 PAZ-32053 chassis to Cuba and plans to deliver 120 PAZ chassis more by the end of the year. The Cuban bus based on the 2013 PAZ chassis will be called the Diana. The Cuban partner will ensure the warranty and maintenance of the buses. PAZ will supply spare parts to Cuba.

The component base of PAZ-32053 is reliable on any roads, easy to operate and maintain and well known to Cuban customers. PAZ actively cooperated with Cuban partners in the development and organization of the Giron bus based on PAZ component case: approximately 15,000 buses based on the PAZ-672 chassis were produced in Cuba between 1970 and1980.

GAZ Group President\CEO Bo Andersson said “The cooperation with the Cuban side is one of the development stages in GAZ Group’s export strategy. We have launched GAZelle production in Turkey and Ural production in Kazakhstan, and we are determined to strengthen our export business. Our products meet the newest market demands and the requirements of the leading ecological classes which prove its competitiveness among international customers. We expect our export bus sales to increase by 20% by the end of 2013”.