OREANDA-NEWS.  September 19, 2013. As the technological project coordinator at the e-Governance Center Iurie Turcanu has informed on Tuesday, to date the MPay platform (www.mpay.gov.md) provides the opportunity to pay for services of state-owned enterprises Cadastru, Registru and e-Cazier.

Soon they will be replenished by services of the Civil Status Service, the Tax Inspectorate, etc. Iurie Turcanu noted that by 2020 it is planned to connect all state services to MPay. According to him, the form of payment will be selected by the user.

It can be on-line payment, internet-banking, cash. Up to now, Mpay cooperates with four banks (Banca de Economii, Victoriabank, Mobiasbanca, Moldova Agroindbank), as well as with the State Enterprise "Post of Moldova" and QIWI system. Iurie Turcanu expressed confidence that other banks will also connect to MPay. "It will be also available to provide payment via mobile-banking. After a month and a half we will be able to announce the exact date of launching this instrument within Mpay”, - said Iurie Turcanu.

He noted that citizens will not pay commission as these costs will be covered by the ministry of finance or state enterprises, depending on the type of service. ”So, if the service costs 100 lei, you do not pay anything over that amount for the transaction"- explained Iurie Turcanu. At the same time, the companies considerably save during electronic transactions at the expense of the staff, increase in the processing speed and other factors. Iurie Turcan noted that together with “Post of Moldova” the work on developing the concept to deliver documents to individuals and legal entities is underway.

He stressed that this will be an additional service, which in collaboration with MPay, will allow ordering and receiving documents not leaving the office. It can be reminded that the tender for the development of MPay was won by Qsystems. The state will pay for technological base for transactions. The system is an integral part of the e-government project funded by the World Bank, with total budget of USD 20 million