OREANDA-NEWS. September 25, 2013. The International Financial Exhibition 2013 in China, organized by Chinese Financial Computerization Corporation with the approval of the Ministry of Science & Technology and the People's Bank of China, took place at the Beijing Exhibition Centre from September 5 to 8. Over 20 banks including BOC as well as over 30 financial technical equipment manufacturers like IBM, HP and Lakala participated in the exhibition.

Centering on the theme of "innovating financial informatization  and serving the people's livelihood", BOC actively publicized its achievements in information technology building in recent years, showcasing its new results of renovating information service channels and actively providing optimal service experience to customers with the value of "customers as center, market as orientation and technology as leadership". It displayed financial services such as corporate finance, personal finance, financial market, operation service, e-banking, fund and securities in a nearly 200 square meters area, fully demonstrating BOC's new outlook of "holding social responsibility and being the best bank".

After 20 years of development, International Financial Exhibition in China has become the largest and most influential annual financial gathering in Asian-Pacific region. Since the establishment of the exhibition, BOC has participated every year  to continuously demonstrate its financial informatization level and its capability of serving global customers.