OREANDA-NEWS. October 09, 2013. Ukraine ensures reliable and uninterrupted gas transit to Europe in full amount. Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Boyko  announced in an interview with the INTER channel.

“The transit is reliable, it is carried out in full compliance with applications submitted by the Gazprom and European countries. Ukraine fulfills its liabilities in full,” Yuriy Boyko said.

The Vice Premier accentuated that negotiations with Russian partners concerning reconsidering of gas price for Ukraine could never negatively affect reliability of transit of fuel to Europe.

“A position of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych is that the gas contract of 2009 influenced extremely negatively the economy of Ukraine through high gas prices. And we openly said to the Russian colleagues that the contract doesn’t satisfy us. Nonetheless, all disputes and discussions are held by us not violating ensuring transit of Russian gas to Europe. We don’t afford complication of lives of Europeans, despite we are involved into a strained discussion with our Russian colleagues,” the Vice Prime Minister underlined.

Yuriy Boyko explained that in negotiations with the partners of gas issues Ukraine is guided by the position of the President Viktor Yanukovych that we need to build equal relations.

“In the negotiations with the Russian colleagues and Europeans we were guided by the position of the President Viktor Yanukovych. It lies in the fact that Ukraine is ready to build any model with our Russian colleagues on equal conditions. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. Those models which were suggested to us were mainly focused on Belarusian scenario,” the Vice Prime Minister said.

On commenting preparation to winter and pumping up the gas in underground storages, he noted that this process was going on in a normal mode and the heating season had been started by Ukraine earlier through weather conditions. 

“The guarantees concerning transit are kept in full, there won’t be any cataclysms. We are to complete in two weeks the accumulation of sufficient amount of gas in storages, this operation is going on in a normal mode. The only thing is the weather has made certain changes. On the commission of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych the heating season is beginning earlier so that people didn’t feel the fall of temperature,” Yuriy Boyko explained.